Monday, January 25, 2010

Rainy Days & Mondays

Are the theme for the day here. We awoke to a torrential downpour and the winds picked up through the day, causing the usual flying debris, falling branches, downed trees, and widespread power outages. And of course flooding. When you grow up in the prairies, flash flooding isn't common. Here in hilly PA it happens frequently. It was nice to be home this morning, cozy and warm, though I did have to venture out later. The Sandy Run Creek had risen to the top of it's banks and I wasn't sure I was taking the same route home.

.It was soggy front & back.

No birds nibbling and no kids cycling. Well, OK, the kids were at school!

I heard a couple of things on the evening news today. First, it's national bubble wrap day, or celebrate bubble wrap day, or something like that. I figure the best way to celebrate bubble wrap is to pop it -- not the itty bitty ones, but the nice big fat ones that you can jump on and they sound like firecrackers going off. That's my kind of fun! Something else they mentioned was today, the last Monday in January, is the biggest day for depression. ?? And the happiest day is June 25th -- that's a little ways away.

I figure that this really applies to the northern hemisphere. It's summer in the southern hemisphere. Tomorrow, or today actually, as it's already tomorrow there, is Australia Day. What could they have to be depressed about there ?!

The rain has stopped and the forecast is rain free for the next few days. So let's all cheer up northern hemisphere residents and wish our Australian friends and family -- Pier, Nathan, Kai & Hailey!! --
a Happy Australia Day!!

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